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Future of the NijSAC Evening
This brainstorming session was organized for the first time last year and we think it would be good to continue this year as well. It is an evening when the board wants to think with you about various topics that are currently playing at the NijSAC. It will take place from 19:00 till 22:15 in 01.120 in the Elinor Ostrom building. Topics to be discussed during this evening: - Sustainability: What could the NijSAC do to be a more sustainable association? Is it important to you that the NijSAC becomes more sustainable? - Confidential contact person: Is there a need for a confidential person or contact person? Would it seem useful to you to have a confidential contact person outside the association (because of difficulty finding a confidential contact person within the association)? - Friday training: Is there still enough enthusiasm within the association for the training moment on Friday? What could be done to have more people in the training? Are you satisfied with the training sessions on Monday and Friday? If you have any questions about this, don't hesitate to ask! Disclaimer: Just as with the general member meetings, this discussion will be in Dutch.
Description (English):
This brainstorming session was organized for the first time last year and we think it would be good to continue this year as well. It is an evening when the board wants to think with you about various topics that are currently playing at the NijSAC. It will take place from 19:00 till 22:15 in 01.120 in the Elinor Ostrom building. Topics to be discussed during this evening: - Sustainability: What could the NijSAC do to be a more sustainable association? Is it important to you that the NijSAC becomes more sustainable? - Confidential contact person: Is there a need for a confidential person or contact person? Would it seem useful to you to have a confidential contact person outside the association (because of difficulty finding a confidential contact person within the association)? - Friday training: Is there still enough enthusiasm within the association for the training moment on Friday? What could be done to have more people in the training? Are you satisfied with the training sessions on Monday and Friday? If you have any questions about this, don't hesitate to ask! Disclaimer: Just as with the general member meetings, this discussion will be in Dutch.
Description (Dutch):
Vorig jaar is deze brainstormsessie voor het eerst georganiseerd en het lijkt ons goed om dit ook dit jaar voort te zetten. Het is een avond waarop het bestuur samen met jullie wil nadenken over verschillende onderwerpen die op dit moment spelen bij de NijSAC. Het zal plaatsvinden vanaf 19:00 tot 22:15 in 01.120 in het Elinor Ostrom gebouw. Onderwerpen die tijdens deze avond zullen worden besproken: - Duurzaamheid: Wat zou de NijSAC kunnen doen om een duurzamere vereniging te zijn? Is het belangrijk voor jullie dat de NijSAC duurzamer wordt en hoe veel? - Vertrouwenscontactpersoon: Is er behoefte aan een vertrouwenspersoon of vertrouwenscontactpersoon? Zou het jullie nuttig lijken om een vertrouwenscontactpersoon buiten de vereniging te hebben (i.v.m. met moeite met vinden van een vertrouwenscontactpersoon binnen de vereniging)? - Vrijdag training: Is er nog genoeg animo binnen de vereniging voor het trainingsmoment op vrijdag? Wat zou er kunnen worden gedaan om meer mensen bij de training te hebben? Zijn jullie tevreden over de trainingen op maandag en vrijdag? Mocht je hier nog vragen over hebben, stel ze gerust!
Activity Details
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Title (Dutch)
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