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Multipitch Course
Scroll down in this area to read the full text!!! The Outdoor Leadcimbing-Multipitch (OV-MP) course is given every spring and autumn. This is the continuation of the Outdoor Leadclimbing Singlepitch (OV-SP) course, and will teach you how to safely climb independently in rock climbing areas. In this course you will learn the basics of lead climbing multiple rope lengths. After this course, a maximum of 3 rope lengths are recommended due to descend if necessary. A beginning multipitch climber often does not have enough knowledge about this for longer multipitches. The course includes two full weekends climbing on rocks. There will be training weekends in the rocks of Belgium or Germany. During these weekends all techniques of the course will be practiced. If you can't take an exam on the last weekend, that's no problem. You can often take the exam for your Climbing Certificate Outdoor Lead Climbing Multipitch (KVB-OV Multipitch) after having climbed outside for a few (NijSAC) weekends. Check the website which weekends these are! In principle, the course is intended for people who have passed the OV-Singlepitch course. We therefore assume that you can lead the way, and that you have mastered building a top anker!! Some rock climbing experience is also recommended. A proactive attitude is expected. This means that the students must be able to do all evenings and both training weekends, or find a suitable replacement themselves. If you are unable to attend one evening, your place will initially go to someone who is available every day. There are five practical lessons and a theory evening per course. They are on the RSC on Tuesday evenings from 8 pm. There is a limit of 12 people, so it's first come, first served. People who have never taken the course will have priority over people who want to take it a second time. Intake requirements - Member of the NijSAC (extraordinary members are not entitled to participate in this course) - A mountain sports/climbing insurance is mandatory as a member of the NijSAC; This is also mandatory for an RSC climbing permit - In possession of a KVB-OV-SP (or similar experience) - At least 1 weekend of active (lead)climbing outside (introduction weekends do not count as there is no leadclimbing there). If this was not possible, you can simply send an email to the instructor for advice. - To promote the flow within the NijSAC courses, the students must be present every evening and two weekends, or have arranged a similar replacement. Necessities - Sports climbing harness, with 4 at least material loops - 1 abseil/belay device (ATC Guide (preferred) or Petzl Reverso/Gigajul or equivalent tool) - 1 Safe carabiner (ball-lock, belaymaster or equivalent) - 1 short slinge (60 cm; stitched), or: dynamic belay (e.g. Beal Dynaconnection) with 1 carabiner (may be screw or safe-biner, Note, use a rubber / pinch to secure a ball-lock in the dynamic confidence!!!) - 4 Small screw carabiners (D carabiner) - 2 HMS carabiners - 1 Long slinge (120 cm; stitched). A smooth narrow slinge is the most convenient - 2 long prusiks (each 5 meters, 5 or 6 mm diameter, different colors) - 1 short prusik (1 meter; 5 or 6 mm diameter) - Sports card from the RSC and climbing stamp, mountaineering/climbing insurance and climbing year card from the NKBV for the areas in Belgium Cost Additional costs are associated with both weekends (usually around €35 per weekend, including food, accommodation and transport). Renting the climbing set (harness, safebiner and belay device) costs €5 and can be done at the Matcie (mail to However, we assume that people who will follow this course will purchase their own material. Slinges and extra biners are not rented out for a longer period of time. For questions you can always send an email:
Description (English):
Scroll down in this area to read the full text!!! The Outdoor Leadcimbing-Multipitch (OV-MP) course is given every spring and autumn. This is the continuation of the Outdoor Leadclimbing Singlepitch (OV-SP) course, and will teach you how to safely climb independently in rock climbing areas. In this course you will learn the basics of lead climbing multiple rope lengths. After this course, a maximum of 3 rope lengths are recommended due to descend if necessary. A beginning multipitch climber often does not have enough knowledge about this for longer multipitches. The course includes two full weekends climbing on rocks. There will be training weekends in the rocks of Belgium or Germany. During these weekends all techniques of the course will be practiced. If you can't take an exam on the last weekend, that's no problem. You can often take the exam for your Climbing Certificate Outdoor Lead Climbing Multipitch (KVB-OV Multipitch) after having climbed outside for a few (NijSAC) weekends. Check the website which weekends these are! In principle, the course is intended for people who have passed the OV-Singlepitch course. We therefore assume that you can lead the way, and that you have mastered building a top anker!! Some rock climbing experience is also recommended. A proactive attitude is expected. This means that the students must be able to do all evenings and both training weekends, or find a suitable replacement themselves. If you are unable to attend one evening, your place will initially go to someone who is available every day. There are five practical lessons and a theory evening per course. They are on the RSC on Tuesday evenings from 8 pm. There is a limit of 12 people, so it's first come, first served. People who have never taken the course will have priority over people who want to take it a second time. Intake requirements - Member of the NijSAC (extraordinary members are not entitled to participate in this course) - A mountain sports/climbing insurance is mandatory as a member of the NijSAC; This is also mandatory for an RSC climbing permit - In possession of a KVB-OV-SP (or similar experience) - At least 1 weekend of active (lead)climbing outside (introduction weekends do not count as there is no leadclimbing there). If this was not possible, you can simply send an email to the instructor for advice. - To promote the flow within the NijSAC courses, the students must be present every evening and two weekends, or have arranged a similar replacement. Necessities - Sports climbing harness, with 4 at least material loops - 1 abseil/belay device (ATC Guide (preferred) or Petzl Reverso/Gigajul or equivalent tool) - 1 Safe carabiner (ball-lock, belaymaster or equivalent) - 1 short slinge (60 cm; stitched), or: dynamic belay (e.g. Beal Dynaconnection) with 1 carabiner (may be screw or safe-biner, Note, use a rubber / pinch to secure a ball-lock in the dynamic confidence!!!) - 4 Small screw carabiners (D carabiner) - 2 HMS carabiners - 1 Long slinge (120 cm; stitched). A smooth narrow slinge is the most convenient - 2 long prusiks (each 5 meters, 5 or 6 mm diameter, different colors) - 1 short prusik (1 meter; 5 or 6 mm diameter) - Sports card from the RSC and climbing stamp, mountaineering/climbing insurance and climbing year card from the NKBV for the areas in Belgium Cost Additional costs are associated with both weekends (usually around €35 per weekend, including food, accommodation and transport). Renting the climbing set (harness, safebiner and belay device) costs €5 and can be done at the Matcie (mail to However, we assume that people who will follow this course will purchase their own material. Slinges and extra biners are not rented out for a longer period of time. For questions you can always send an email:
Description (Dutch):
Scroll naar beneden in dit vlak om de volledige tekst te lezen!!! Elk voor- en najaar wordt de Outdoor Voorklim Multipitch (OV-MP) cursus gegeven. Dit is het vervolg op de OV-Singlepitch (OV-SP) cursus, en zal je leren hoe je veilig zelfstandig kan klimmen in rotsklimgebieden. In deze cursus leer je de basis van het van meerdere touwlengtes. Na deze cursus worden maximaal 3 touwlengtes aangeraden i.v.m. eventueel afdalen in nood. Een beginnend multipitch klimmer heeft vaak nog niet genoeg kennis hierover bij langere multipitches. De cursus bevat twee volledige weekenden op op de rotsen in het buitenland. Er zullen opleidings-weekenden zijn in de rotsen van België of Duitsland. Tijdens deze weekenden zullen alle technieken van de cursus geoefend worden. Kan je op het laatste weekend nog geen examen doen is dat geen probleem. Je kan dan vaak na enkele (NijSAC-)weekenden buiten te hebben geklommen het examen voor je Klimvaardigheidsbewijs Outdoor Voorklimmen Multipitch (KVB-OV Multipitch) afleggen. Kijk op de website welke weekenden dit zijn! De cursus is in principe bedoeld voor mensen die de OV-Singlepitch cursus hebben gehaald. We gaan er dus van uit dat je kan voorklimmen, en standplaats bouwen beheerst!! Ook is enige voorklimervaring op rots aan te raden. Er wordt een pro-actieve houding verwacht. Dit betekent dat de cursisten alle avonden en beide opleidingsweekenden moeten kunnen, of zelf passende vervanging zoeken. Kan je een avond niet, dan gaat je plek in eerste instantie naar iemand die wel alle dagen kan. Per cursus zijn er vijf praktijk lessen en een theorieavond. Ze zijn op de dinsdag avonden vanaf 20.00u op het RSC. Er is een limiet van 12 personen, dus wie het eerst komt wie het eerst maalt. Mensen die de cursus nog nooit gedaan hebben zullen voorrang hebben op mensen die deze voor de tweede keer willen volgen. Instroom eisen - Lid van de NijSAC (buitengewoon leden zijn niet gerechtigd om aan deze cursus deel te nemen) - Een bergsportverzekering verplicht als lid van de NijSAC; Voor een RSC klimzegel is deze ook verplicht - In het bezit van een KVB-OV-SP (of soortgelijke ervaring) - Minimaal 1 weekend actief buiten (voor)geklommen (introductieweekenden tellen hierbij niet mee aangezien je daar niet voorklimt). Is dit niet mogelijk geweest dan kan in je in overleg wel gewoon inschrijven. - Om de doorstroming binnen de NijSAC cursussen te bevorderen dienen de cursisten alle avonden en de twee weekenden aanwezig te zijn, of soortgelijke vervanging te hebben geregeld. Benodigdheden - Sportklimgordel, met ten minste 4 materiaallussen - 1 Abseil/zekerapparaat (ATC Guide (voorkeur) of Petzl Reverso/Gigajul of gelijkwaardige tool) - 1 Safe-karabiner (ball-lock, belaymaster of gelijkwaardig) - 1 korte schlinge (60 cm; gestikt), of: dynamische zelfzekering (bijv Beal dynaconnection) met 1 karabiner (mag schroef of safe-biner zijn, Let op, gebruik een rubbertje/pinch om een ball-lock vast te zetten in de dynamische zelfzekering!!!) - 4 Kleine schroefkarabiners (D-karabiner) - 2 HMS-karabiners - 1 lange schlinge (120 cm; gestikt). Een soepele smalle schlinge is het handigste - 2 lange prusiks (ieder 5 meter, 5 of 6mm doorsnede, verschillende kleuren) - 1 korte prusik (1 meter; 5 of 6 mm doorsnede) - Sportkaart van het RSC en klimzegel, bergsportverzekering en klimjaarkaart van de NKBV Kosten Aan beide opleidingsweekenden zijn additionele kosten verbonden (meestal rond de €35 per weekend, incl. eten, overnachting en vervoer). Het huren van de klimset (gordel, safebiner en zekerapparaat) kost €5,- en kan gedaan worden bij de Matcie (mail naar Echter gaan we er van uit dat mensen die deze cursus gaan volgen hun eigen materiaal aanschaffen. Schlinges en extra biners worden namelijk niet voor langere tijd verhuurd. Voor vragen kun je altijd even mij mailen op
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