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Singlepitch Course
Scroll down in this area to read the full text!!! Every spring and autumn you can learn leadclimbing in the OV-Singlepitch course. In this course the student learns how to lead climb, and also to belay a lead climber. Because we give an OV (Outdoor leadclimbing) course, we try to prepare everyone to be able to practice this on the rocks. The exam is taken on a weekend outdoors in which the instructor assesses whether each participant individually masters the above techniques (you will then receive a KVB OV-Singlepitch certificate.) Entry requirements: - To be able to climb and belay toprope. - Member of the NijSAC (extraordinary members cannot participate!) - A mountain sports/climbing insurance is mandatory as a member of the NijSAC; This is also mandatory for an RSC climbing permit (this can be arranged after the first lesson) - You must be present every evening!!! A maximum of 10 people can register. This applies on a first come, first served basis. Shortly before the course you will receive an information email. Necessities: - Sports climbing harness, with at least 4 material loops - 1 Safe carabiner (ball-lock, belaymaster or equivalent) - Semi-automatic belay device (We will give the course with a SMART 2.0, the same belay devices as used at the RSC) - Sports card from the RSC and mountain sports/climbing insurance from the NKBV or similar From lesson 3 we will need some more materials: - 1 HMS biner - 1 Long slinge (120 cm; stitched). A smooth narrow slinge is the most convenient - dynamic safety line (e.g. Beal Dynconnexion), or: 1 short slinge (60 cm; stitched, preferably nylon) - 4 (small) screw carabiners (D-biners) - Prussik rope 1 meter (5 or 6 mm) Renting the climbing set (harness, safebiner and belay device) costs €5.00 and can be done at the Matcie (mail to If you have not yet bought all the materials for the first lesson, you can borrow them from the RSC. We will also show you what you need from lesson 4. If you have any questions, please send me an email: Classes are every Tuesday evening at the RSC sports Centre at 8:00 PM
Description (English):
Scroll down in this area to read the full text!!! Every spring and autumn you can learn leadclimbing in the OV-Singlepitch course. In this course the student learns how to lead climb, and also to belay a lead climber. Because we give an OV (Outdoor leadclimbing) course, we try to prepare everyone to be able to practice this on the rocks. The exam is taken on a weekend outdoors in which the instructor assesses whether each participant individually masters the above techniques (you will then receive a KVB OV-Singlepitch certificate.) Entry requirements: - To be able to climb and belay toprope. - Member of the NijSAC (extraordinary members cannot participate!) - A mountain sports/climbing insurance is mandatory as a member of the NijSAC; This is also mandatory for an RSC climbing permit (this can be arranged after the first lesson) - You must be present every evening!!! A maximum of 10 people can register. This applies on a first come, first served basis. Shortly before the course you will receive an information email. Necessities: - Sports climbing harness, with at least 4 material loops - 1 Safe carabiner (ball-lock, belaymaster or equivalent) - Semi-automatic belay device (We will give the course with a SMART 2.0, the same belay devices as used at the RSC) - Sports card from the RSC and mountain sports/climbing insurance from the NKBV or similar From lesson 3 we will need some more materials: - 1 HMS biner - 1 Long slinge (120 cm; stitched). A smooth narrow slinge is the most convenient - dynamic safety line (e.g. Beal Dynconnexion), or: 1 short slinge (60 cm; stitched, preferably nylon) - 4 (small) screw carabiners (D-biners) - Prussik rope 1 meter (5 or 6 mm) Renting the climbing set (harness, safebiner and belay device) costs €5.00 and can be done at the Matcie (mail to If you have not yet bought all the materials for the first lesson, you can borrow them from the RSC. We will also show you what you need from lesson 4. If you have any questions, please send me an email: Classes are every Tuesday evening at the RSC sports Centre at 8:00 PM
Description (Dutch):
Scroll naar beneden in dit vlak om de volledige tekst te lezen!!! Elk voor- en najaar kan je leren voorklimmen in de cursus OV-Singlepitch. In deze cursus leert de cursist voorklimmen, en tevens zekeren voorklim situatie. Om dat we een OV (Outdoor Voorklim) cursus geven proberen we iedereen klaar te stomen om dit ook op de rotsen te kunnen beoefenen. Het examen zal buiten op de rots worden afgelegd, de instructeur beoordeelt dan bij elke deelnemer individueel of de bovengenoemde technieken beheerst (hiervoor krijg je dan een pasje KVB-OV-Singlepitch.) Instroomeisen: - Toprope kunnen klimmen en zekeren. - Lid van de NijSAC (buitengewoon leden kunnen niet deelnemen!) - Een bergsportverzekering verplicht als lid van de NijSAC; Voor een RSC klimzegel is deze ook verplicht (deze kan na de eerste les geregeld worden) - Je dient alle avonden aanwezig te zijn!!! Er mogen maximaal 10 personen zich inschrijven. Hiervoor geldt wie het wie het eerst komt wie het eerst maalt. Kort voor de cursus zal je een informatiemail krijgen. Benodigdheden: - Sportklimgordel, met ten minste 4 materiaallussen - 1 Safe-karabiner (ball-lock, belaymaster of gelijkwaardig) - Half automatisch zekerapparaat (We gaan de cursus geven met een SMART 2.0, de zelfde zekerapparaten als op het RSC gebruikt worden) - Sportkaart van het RSC en bergsportverzekering van de NKBV of soortgelijke Vanaf les 3 zullen we wat meer materialen nodig hebben: - 1 HMS-biner - 1 Lange schlinge (120 cm; gestikt). Een soepele smalle schlinge is het handigste - dynamische zelfzekering (bijv Beal Dynconnexion), of: 1 korte schlinge (60 cm; gestikt, het liefst nylon) - 4 (kleine) schroefkarabiners (D-biners) - Prussik touw 1 meter (5 of 6 mm) Het huren van de klimset (gordel, safebiner en zekerapparaat) kost €5,00 en kan gedaan worden bij de Matcie (mail naar Heb je nog niet alle materialen de eerste les, dan kan je die van het RSC lenen. Ook laten we dan zien wat je vanaf les 4 nodig hebt. Zijn er vragen, stuur me dan een e-mail: De lessen zijn elke dinsdag avond op het RSC om 20.00u
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