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Hotton: SP-examen
The Rochers de Renissart, better known as the rocks of Hotton, are idyllically situated along a walking path next to the Ourthe river. Thanks to the (play) meadow, picnic tables, and the river next to the rocks, the area is a relaxed spot, perfect for those not looking to climb very difficult routes or for families. Features: - Number of routes/maximum length: 67/35m - Climbing style/steepness: slab 60-90° - Route grades: 3-7c+, mainly 3-6b. - Rock type: limestone. - Exposure: south. - Best season: all year round. After a short and flat walk of less than five minutes, you reach the first massif, Avals. Next to this somewhat confusing sector lies the most impressive massif, the 30-meter-high Renissart. To the right of Renissart, you will find slightly higher up the slope the small massif Amonts, with some third-grade routes in stunning rock full of large round fossils (stromatoporoids). Next to it is the Mandille, an ideal massif for those wanting to climb in the lower difficulty grades. A few minutes upstream lies the Fré Diame, a massif with its base in the water and where you must approach virtually all routes from above. Recommended routes in this area are the third-grade routes with huge holes on the Amont and the fourth-grade routes on the right of the Mandille. If you're looking for something more challenging, seek out the routes on the headwall and the slab on the left of Renissart. The most beautiful of these are La Fissure Annie (5+), Le Pilier Margot (6b), and La Charlotte (6b). The Fré Diame is beautifully situated above the Ourthe. If slab climbing is your thing, then you shouldn't miss the four routes on the slab and through the notch that defines the slab.
Description (English):
The Rochers de Renissart, better known as the rocks of Hotton, are idyllically situated along a walking path next to the Ourthe river. Thanks to the (play) meadow, picnic tables, and the river next to the rocks, the area is a relaxed spot, perfect for those not looking to climb very difficult routes or for families. Features: - Number of routes/maximum length: 67/35m - Climbing style/steepness: slab 60-90° - Route grades: 3-7c+, mainly 3-6b. - Rock type: limestone. - Exposure: south. - Best season: all year round. After a short and flat walk of less than five minutes, you reach the first massif, Avals. Next to this somewhat confusing sector lies the most impressive massif, the 30-meter-high Renissart. To the right of Renissart, you will find slightly higher up the slope the small massif Amonts, with some third-grade routes in stunning rock full of large round fossils (stromatoporoids). Next to it is the Mandille, an ideal massif for those wanting to climb in the lower difficulty grades. A few minutes upstream lies the Fré Diame, a massif with its base in the water and where you must approach virtually all routes from above. Recommended routes in this area are the third-grade routes with huge holes on the Amont and the fourth-grade routes on the right of the Mandille. If you're looking for something more challenging, seek out the routes on the headwall and the slab on the left of Renissart. The most beautiful of these are La Fissure Annie (5+), Le Pilier Margot (6b), and La Charlotte (6b). The Fré Diame is beautifully situated above the Ourthe. If slab climbing is your thing, then you shouldn't miss the four routes on the slab and through the notch that defines the slab.
Description (Dutch):
De Rochers de Renissart, beter bekend als de rotsen van Hotton, liggen idyllisch aan een wandelpad langs de Ourthe. Dankzij de (speel)weide, de picknicktafels en de rivier naast de rotsen is het gebied een relaxte plek, perfect voor wie niet hele moeilijke routes hoeft te klimmen of families. Kenmerken: - Aantal routes/maximale lengte: 67/35m - Klimstijl/steilte: wand 60-90° - Niveau routes: 3-7c+, voornamelijk 3-6b. - Gesteente: kalksteen. - Expositie: zuid. - Beste jaargetijde: het gehele jaar. Na een korte en vlakke wandeling van nog geen vijf minuten kom je bij het eerste massief, Avals. Naast deze wat onoverzichtelijke sector ligt het meest indrukwekkende massief, de 30 meter hoge Renissart. Rechts van de Renissart vind je iets hoger op de helling het kleine massief Amonts, met enkele derdegraads routes in schitterende rots boordevol grote ronde fossielen (stromatoporen). Rechts daarnaast ligt de Mandille, een ideaal massief voor mensen die in de lagere moeilijkheidsgraden willen klimmen. Een paar minuten stroomopwaarts lopen ligt de Fré Diame, een massief dat met de voet in het water staat en waar je vrijwel alle routes van bovenaf moet benaderen. Aanraders in dit gebied zijn de derdegraads routes met enorme gaten op de Amont en de vierdegraadsroutes rechts op de Mandille. Wil je het wat moeilijker, zoek dan de routes op de kopse kant en de plaat links op de Renissart op. De mooiste daarvan zijn La Fissure Annie (5+), Le Pilier Margot (6b) en La Charlotte (6b). De Fré Diame is prachtig gelegen boven de Ourthe. Als plaatklimmen je ding is dan mag je de vier routes op de plaat en door de versnijding die de plaat begrenst beslist niet missen.
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