Courses and sports overview

The goal of this page is to give an overview of all sports, courses and training programs you can do with the NijSAC. These courses cover many different sports and disciplines. The NijSAC offers some courses in-house, but others will be handled by our umbrella association: the NSAC.

Note that lots of NijSAC members are also active in sports which do not have any courses, like Via Ferrata and Hiking.

Summer courses

Climbing Alpinism Canyoning
Entry Level
Top rope climbing

Simple climbing as you do at the sports centre. If you go to the introduction weekend, you do not need to take this course anymore.

Offered by the RSC
Lead climbing

Course to climb routes where you cannot hang ropes from the top of the route.

Offered by the NijSAC

First course to get familiar with non-vertical alpine terrain, mainly glaciers. This course will take a day in the Netherlands, and a week in the alps.

Offered by the NSAC
Basic Canyoneer (First Part)

First course to get familiar with canyoning. This course will take a day in the Netherlands, and a week in the alps.

Offered by the NSAC
Intermediate Level
Multipitch Climbing

Course to climb routes longer than a single rope.

Offered by the NijSAC

Follow up course of the C1. This course concentrates more on alpine rock routes.

Offered by the NSAC
Basic Canyoneer (Second Part)

Follow up of the Basic canyoneer course. After this course you are an NCB-recognized independent canyoneer.

Offered by the NSAC
Advanced Level
Trad climbing

Learn to climb unprepared routes (without bolts)


Refine your alpine techniques to raise your level. This course will look at individual needs.

Offered by the NSAC
Advanced Canyoneer

Refine your techniques to handle more difficult canyons.

Offered by the NCB

Winter courses

Ice Climbing Off Piste Tour Skiing
Entry Level
Piste Week

Learn skiiing. For people with little to no experience on skis.

Offered by the NSAC
Off Piste

Learn to ski or snowboard off piste.

Offered by the NSAC
Intermediate Level
Ice Climbing

Learn to climb frozen waterfalls. Note that the multipitch course (in the climbing track) and the C2 or C2 Wellness course (in the mountaineering track) are mandarory.

Offered by the NSAC
Hike to ride T1

Learn to tour around the mountains on your skis.

Offered by the NSAC
Freeride 1

Learn to ski or snowboard off piste.

Offered by the NSAC
Advanced Level
Freeride 2

Learn to ski or snowboard off piste.

Offered by the NSAC
Hike to ride T2

Learn to tour around the mountains on your skis.

Offered by the NSAC
Hike to ride T3

Learn to tour around the mountains on your skis.

Offered by the NSAC